LGSS AGM 2018 Recognises Contributions
Group Leader Emma revealed that the newly refurbished kitchen would be known as Dolphin Cove.
Dolphin was the scout name of Kay Briscoe whose son Victor is seen here, representing the Briscoe family.
Dolphin served the Group in many capacities, including as Group Leader.
Also recognised was the service provided by Geoff Hyde and the Rover Group who led the rebuild of the kitchen over the school vacation period.
Many others contributed to the new kitchen which helps make our hall a very attractive and functional place.
The Annual General Meeting also saw Amanda Philips (GSC Chair for 2017) and Catherine Beasley (Treasurer in 2016 and Secretary in 2017) retire from these roles. Both were thanked for their enthusiastic service.
The new Croup Support Committee is:
Chair: Michelle Williams
Deputy Chair: vacant
Secretary: Klaus Felsche
Treasurer: vacant
Assistant Treasurer: Kate Chambers
Membership Registrar: Cheryl Bocking
Boatmaster: Victor Briscoe
Hall Hire Coordinator: Andy Rayner
Hall Markets Coordinator: Elise Roberts
Quartermaster: vacant
Publicity/Media: vacant
Fundraising Coordinator: vacant
As you can see - there is an opportunity for others to step up to take on important roles in the group. Many hands make light work.