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  • New Contact with form | LGSS

    Please complete the form to contact Lake Ginninderra Sea Scouts Testing Contact Us Lake Ginninderra Sea Scout Group 1 Evelyn Parker Place PO Box 1379 BELCONNEN ACT 2616 ABN 59010048690 Please use this form to contact us about: youth joining LGSS volunteering with LGSS making a donation to our Group website feedback/suggestions anything else! If you want to hire our Hall, please use the form on the Hall Hire Page , not this one. Reason for contacting us First name Last name Email Phone Message Submit Your contact request has been submitted. You should get an email confirmation in a tic. An error occurred. Try again later

  • Contact | LGSS

    Please complete the form to contact Lake Ginninderra Sea Scouts Contact Us Lake Ginninderra Sea Scout Group 1 Evelyn Parker Place PO Box 1379 BELCONNEN ACT 2616 ABN 59010048690 Please use this form to contact us about: youth joining LGSS volunteering with LGSS making a donation to our Group website feedback/suggestions anything else! If you want to hire our Hall, please use the form on the Hall Hire Page , not this one. Reason for contacting us* First name Last name Email Phone Message Submit

  • Calendar - Hall Hire

    Hall Hire Availability - Calendar Check out the some of the great people who use our hall below the calendar. Information about selected Hall Hirers Tir an Oir Irish Dancing Scoil Rince Tir an Oir is a small and friendly dancing school based in the Belconnen area of Canberra. They cater to all levels of Irish dance from young beginners to championship level. Learn dance in a fun and friendly environment. Contact them to arrange a visit and experience their school first hand. Silver Treads The Silver Treads are a group of Seniors who meet weekly in our hall to learn to tap dance in a fun supportive environment with like minded individuals.... contact 0404 933 734. Details are coming for: Thai Chi Seniors Tap Classes Line Dancing Morris Dancers (every 2nd Sunday)

  • Rovers

    Use the Contact form to get in touch with the Rovers. Rovers - 18 to 25 years old For more information about Rovers or your nearest Rover Crew in the ACT contact - Scouts ACT Development Officer 02 6282 5211 No other leisure time activity offers as much! Challenging outdoor activities such as bushwalking, canoeing, sailing, caving, ski-touring, canyoning, four-wheel driving, rock-climbing and scuba diving all form an important part of a Rover's calendar. Social activities such as BBQ's, bush dances, going to the movies, nights out, car rallies and "Moots" (gatherings of Rovers on a local, national and sometimes international level) also feature on an active Rover's program. A group of Rovers is known as a "Crew" and each Rover Crew is different, tailoring its activities to the requirements of its members. Crews vary in size from a handful of members to as many as fifty. Most crews meet weekly. The friends you make within this group will be lifelong! A Crew's activities are planned and run by the Rovers themselves, and there is plenty of opportunity to develop personal abilities and learn new skills. A Rover may become involved in organising a simple weekend away for just a few people, a major event involving thousands of participants, or anything in between!Anyone can become a Rover - there's no need to have any previous involvement with Scouting, or any outdoor activities experience. Take the plunge - try Rovers!

  • About LGSS

    ABOUT US About our Scout Group Lake Ginninderra Sea Scouts provide an opportunity for young people aged 5 to 25 years to participate in many different activities. However, we do a lot more than your normal Scout Group as over Terms 4 and 1 (the warmer months) our activities are usually based around, in, or on the water, as well as on land. We are the biggest Scout Group in Canberra, and have the following Scout units that meet weekly (see also the calendar later in this page): 2 x Joey units: youth are 5 - 8 years old, meet on either Fridays or Saturdays 2 x Cub units: youth are 8 - 12 years old, meet on either Tuesdays or Fridays 2 x Scout units: youth are 12 - 14 years old, meet on either Mondays or Fridays 1 x Venturer unit: youth are 15 - 18 years old, meet on Thursdays Sea Scouts participate in many different activities including sailing, canoeing, rafting, camping, hiking, rock climbing, abseiling, caving, bike riding, geocaching, skiing and snowboarding, social events, sleepovers, campcraft and generally just having fun with friends. During the year Lake Ginninderra Sea Scouts attends interstate and local sailing regattas, ski weekends, hiking trips, leadership courses, other Scout Group meetings, camps and other region and ACT activities. During your time as a Scout you may get the opportunity to attend a Cuboree, Jamboree, or Venture or one of the many other camps or activities for Scouts right across ACT, NSW, Australia, New Zealand, or even the world. Group Calendar Anchor 2

  • Joeys

    Joey Scouts Use the Contact form to get in touch with the Joey Leaders. JOEY SCOUTS - 5 to 8 years old FUN starts here! Joey Scouts are the youngest section of the Scouting movement where the emphasis is on fun and friendship in a non competitive environment. At this age children need experiences which help them learn to work and play in groups outside of home and school environments, to develop their physical, intellectual, social and spiritual abilities through active experiences. Joey Scouts are encouraged to express themselves creatively, through games, stories and craft activities. Building monsters and spaceships from recycled scrap items, growing plants from seedlings or singing songs together all develop a strong sense of belonging. The Joey Scout theme is "Help Other People" (HOP) and sets the direction upon which activities are based and give concrete expressions of sharing with their friends, helping and caring about others. Joeys wear a special scarf and shirt so everyone knows they are Joey Scouts. LGSS have 2 Joey units . They meet during school terms on Friday and Sunday nights. See the calendar below for the times they meet each term.

  • LGSS Scout Section

    The Scout section is for youth aged 11 to 14 years. In our Group the Scout section primarily sail boats on Lake Ginninderra and participate in regattas on other Lakes, and in Sydney and Melbourne. The Scout section focuses on allowing young people to develop their confidence, teaches them how to work as part of a team, and fosters leadership skills. Sailing, canoeing, epic bushwalks and camping expeditions are just some of the adventures Lake Ginninderra Scouts get up to. Use the Contact form to get in touch with the Scout Leaders. SCOUTS - 11 to 14 years old Meet Monday and Wednesday nights during school terms Scouts is one of the best kept secrets for young people aged 11 to 14 years and no wonder! It is the biggest and most successful youth organisation in Australia - not to mention the world - with thousands of boys and girls enjoying an almost unlimited range of activities. And there's always room for one more! Don't Get lost! As a Scout you'll receive expert instruction in a wide variety of outdoor skills like sailing, canoeing, caving, camping and hiking. Together with the all important theory to make sure you don't get lost, do it safely and can deal with life's challenges. Your confidence will build and you'll learn how to make decisions and work as part of a team in a small group called a Patrol, an older more experienced Scout will be your Patrol Leader and help develop your skills. Weekly meetings are held to build up skill levels, have fun and plan for weekend adventures. You'll quickly become familiar with equipment like our canoes and learn the right way to use them. Have your say in activities. The Patrol system means that everyone from least experienced to the Patrol Leader has a say and the Scout Leader is there to help make your dream activities become reality, while ensuring safety is always maintained. He or she will also guide you through the Scout Award Scheme, which recognises your own level of ability and achievement. There are badges to be earned and you will learn skills that will stay with for life - such as sailing, light weight camping and bush navigation, how to prepare and cook your own food, how to be safe around beaches, rivers and lakes and yes, how to tie some pretty useful knots. Challenge your mind as well as your body. But not everyone is looking for the outdoor buzz all the time. Scouts have challenging activities linked with the internet and amateur radio, performing arts such as singing, dancing and acting and awards linked to citizenship, community service and personal spiritual development. Don't just talk about what you can do! ...Do it! Scouting is definitely FUN, and it also prepares you for life in the adult world by giving you responsibility for your own actions and progress. So what are you waiting for come along to one of our meetings!

  • Venturers

    Use the Contact form to get in touch with the Venturer Leaders. VENTURERS - 15 to 18 years old Meet Thursday nights during school terms - 18.30pm to 21.00pm in summer and 19:00 - 21:00 in winter. It's your life... Get on with it! Bored? Feel like doing something with your life? Don't know where to start? Try Venturer Scouts. It's a do-it-yourself mix of fun, adventure and personal challenge that will bring you together with other young people who feel the same way. You may find yourself exploring wilderness Australia, camping above the snowline or diving on coral reefs. You could be abseiling into a limestone cave or climbing a sheer rock face. Perhaps you'll learn white water kayaking or ride your mountain bike on an expedition across real mountains. Whatever your challenge, there will be trained and highly experienced leaders to guide you through the experience, to teach you the necessary skills and safety techniques. Venturers get the opportunity to travel overseas and to organised activities, to live with a different community and to provide service to others. Manage your own program Venturers don't just develop physical skills. You will manage your own Venturer Unit, where the adult leaders are there to provide advice, not rule your life. The Unit Council makes the decisions, plans and runs the activities, drawing on expert help whenever it is required. You can even develop your own website or Facebook to promote your activities. You'll have the opportunity to become involved in staging professional shows, learning how to act, sing or play an instrument. Perhaps you'll make videos, become a sound engineer, develop your own photographs or contribute your writing for publication. You will learn responsibility for the environment and work on service projects to assist others in the community. Look Wide There are leadership and management courses that will help you in your career and personal life, when you have to make all the decisions. You'll learn how to meet new challenges, deal with new situations, and develop your own independence. Your achievements will be recognised, with the ultimate goal the Queen's Scout Award, which employers regard very favourably. Venturers really is the pathway to success. Get a social life The Social side of Venturers is up to you. There will be lots of outdoor activities, nights out and a shared interest so you will meet new people and have plenty of time to get to know them and make lifelong friends. Venturers are serious about having fun!! Venturer Scouts are for young people from 15 - 18 and you don't have to have experience in Scouts or Guides first. It's your call - come along and check us out.

  • Cub Scouts

    Use the Contact form to get in touch with the Cub Leaders. CUB SCOUTS - 8 to 11 years old Meet Tuesday and Friday nights. Are you ready for the challenge? The objective of the Cub Scout program is to provide a group environment which is intellectually stimulating, physically vital and directed towards satisfying the need to face and overcome challenges. Cub Scouts have lots of fun doing interesting, adventurous and challenging activities! There are games to play, skills to learn like sailing, canoeing and camping and an opportunity to make new friends. Each week you'll get together with other boys and girls your age and take an active part in a range of exciting activities. You'll wear your own Cub Scout uniform to show you're a member of the largest youth organisation in the world. And you'll be able to earn special badges to put on your uniform as you learn new skills. The Cub Scout program places an emphasis on exciting and challenging activities based on individual needs to provide: Opportunities for interaction in small groups; A sense of belonging and achievement; Practice leadership and problem-solving skills; Develop a sense of fair play and justice; Satisfy curiosity and the need for adventure; Develop fitness and creative skills; Provide new experiences and the opportunity to learn by doing; Provide the opportunity to make choices and decisions; and Provide the opportunity to express and respond to individual spiritual development needs.

  • Leaders

    Use the Contact form to get in touch with the Leaders or volunteer to join us and have sooo much fun! Leaders - 18+ years old Young people need leadership. They need the guidance of informed and caring adults to develop self-reliance, initiative and responsibility. The world-wide Scout Movement offers this guidance through our Leaders, a team of dedicated, self-motivated individuals who take the time and the interest to help on a voluntary basis. If you care about the future generation, if you want to contribute, to learn about yourself and other people and want to have fun doing it, then we want you to join us as a Leader. Take Interest In The Community Leaders care not only about the young people under their guidance, but also about the communities in which they live. As a Leader, you'll be actively involved in planning and implementing projects to help your local community, and in expanding the community awareness of the young people in your group. You'll encourage a sense of responsibility and goodwill by participating together in activities. And you'll be helping to develop a future generation capable of making a positive contribution to the world in which they live. Interest Yourself The training program for Leaders is suited to the level of commitment you choose and is full of interest. If you're interested in the 6-8 year old age group you'll be a Joey Scout Leader helping young children take one of their first steps out into the world beyond their family and school. If you're interested in the 8-11 year old age group, you'll lead a Cub Scout Pack, which still requires a fair amount of adult supervision. If you're interested in the 11-15 year old age group, you'll lead a Scout Troop, which demands less direct leadership, but definite help in training for indoor, outdoor including water activities. As a Leader you'll carry out a specific type of program for each Section and you'll have as much fun as your Section members. Just ask other Leaders. You can interest others in working as a team and in participating in indoor and outdoor activities. The other Leaders you will meet in Scouting all have similar concerns to yours. Sometimes you can spend an evening in somebody's home, or spend a day trying out practical ideas to use in your Section. ACT Scouts has excellent residential training and camping facilities for you to use on group weekend occasions. It's all busy, creative, good fellowship. You'll also be meeting other experienced people who are anxious that you enjoy your Scouting work and get the most out of it. Together you can share your interests, plan programs and discover resources. Interest Has Its Rewards By taking an interest, by becoming involved, you'll find the experience of being a Leader has its own rewards. You'll find enormous satisfaction in helping young people achieve. Their achievements will be your achievements too. You can feel proud of their successes, and be spurred on by their progress. Your ability to relate to your Section members will give you a sense of growing accomplishment as their trust and confidence in you grows. And you'll know that you're helping young people to shape their lives and that means doing something significant for the future. Interested? If you're interested, there's only one thing left for you to do! Contact us to enquire about being a Leader with Lake Ginninderra Sea Scouts. There's a world full of interest, fulfillment and enthusiastic youngsters out there waiting for you to begin.

  • Lake Ginninderra Sea Scouts | 1 Evelyn Parker Place, Belconnen ACT, Australia | Hire our hall

    The friendliest Scout group in Canberra providing adventure for young people aged 5 to 25 years. Located on the foreshore, Lake Ginninderra Sea Scouts focus on water activities (sailing & canoeing) as well as doing traditional Scouting. Our amazing hall is also available for groups to hire and use. Welcome to Lake Ginnindera Sea Scouts Lake Ginninderra Sea Scouts (LGSS) are located on the shores of Lake Gininnderra at the Belconnen Town Centre in the Australian Capital Territory. We have a purpose-built Scout hall and being a Sea Scout group we have a well equipped boat shed with a large range of sail boats and canoes. Although our activities are based in, on or around the water in the summer months LGSS still participate in a broad range of land based activities like camping, hiking, abseiling and lots more. LGSS compliments the family and school by providing an opportunity for young people to explore their boundaries while learning important life skills. Scouts discover the world beyond the classroom tapping into the skills of others to learn, and then passing that knowledge on. Scouting is a Movement on the move. In an ever-changing world , Scouting changes to adapt to the needs of members. Scouting is no longer just knot tying and badge work. Scouts develop skills they need for life, by encouraging fun, friendship, caring and learning. Like most Scout Groups, LGSS is completely run by volunteers. We have an amazing array of people who help to make everything happen for our Scouts: a fabulous Group Leader, amazing Adult Leaders, an industrious Group Support Committee, switched on Youth Patrol Leaders, and a very supportive group of parents and careers. If you would like to know more about the different age sections of our Group (5 to 18 years old), click on the About LGSS menu. Sign up a Scout! Please note, spaces for new members are very limited - please check availability before completing the on-line form. To protect our youth members, some formalities are required from all adults (16+) who attend youth activities. Click the button below for further details. Sign Up: Adult Helper/Group Support Committee News Updates Celebrating 50 Years: The Unforgettable Success of the LGSS Anniversary Regatta MLA Praises LGSS and Scouts / LGSS Crew in outstanding Siris Cup performance Thank you to the people and organsations who have assisted the Scouts Group - your help is invaluable! People who have helped us in the past are Canberra Labour Club, Bunnings Warehouse, Telstra, ACT Government Asset Repair and Maintenance Scheme, CBR Canberra, Boral, and Rotary International. 1/27 Facebook feeds LGSS has 2 Facebook pages: a Public Facebook that anyone can see (click on the feed below) a Private Facebook that only LGSS members can see. If you're a member and can't see the Private Facebook site, please use the Contact Us page to let us know.

  • LGSS Hall Hire

    People use our hall to host day functions, work meetings, training, reunions, children's parties, anniversaries, and birthday/Christmas parties. On this page you will find: hall Facilities , the Hire Rates , a couple of Policies , and the Hall Hire Booking Request form . Hiring our hall When you hire our hall you're getting a great venue and all the fees go directly to supporting our Scout group. The hall is a large open plan room with lots of windows and great views across Lake Ginninderra. It's ideal for day functions, work meetings and training. On a sunny day smaller groups can have the tables and chairs on the back veranda for a very pleasant outdoor experience. People use our hall to host day functions, work meetings, training, reunions, children's parties, anniversaries, and birthday/Christmas parties. Whether you are a family, community group, or corporate organisation, you'll love having your function at our hall. Facilities There is a kitchen at the East end of the hall with a refrigerator, stove top, two modern ovens, and a microwave oven. Ducted heating throughout ensures a comfortable environment. The hall hire includes roughly 25 trestle tables and about 100 fairly comfortable plastic chairs. The toilets are at the West end of the hall and include 3 men's facilities, 2 women's toilets, and an accessible toilet. The hall is fully accessible with: dedicated disability parking at the front an access ramp large wheelchair-accessible toilet/shower The dimensions of the main hall space are: 13.3 meters long (kitchen to cupboards) 10.3 maters wide (door to door) 8.5 meters wide (between the boxes on the sides of the hall). The hall is located at Evelyn Parker Place, Belconnen and is within easy walking distance to foreshore cafes and restaurants, the Belconnen Arts Centre, and the Belconnen Mall for those extra supplies. Scout specific equipment (including boats) is not included in the hire. Hall hire rates The hall hire rates below are correct as at the time of publishing. The hall hire rate will be included when we get back to after receiving your request via the Hall Hire Booking form below. Other Scout Groups If you would like to book the hall for a Scout Group, use the Hall Hire Booking form below, and choose "Scout Group event" as your Occasion and include your Scout Group details in the Occasion Description box. Hire rates $50 per hour $200 bond (fully refundable if there is no damage to the hall) Seasonal heating/lighting surcharge from 1 April to 30 September of $10.00 per hour Interested in long-term hire? Please choose the "" as your ?? on the Hall Hire form below . Hall availability Please check the Hall Hire calendar to see if the hall is available on the day and time you need. Good neighbour policy Hirers should note that our Hall is in a Twon Centre and we have neighbours who live close by. All hirers must comply with the ACT Government acceptable noise levels for "City centre and town centres (Belconnen, Gungahlin, Tuggeranong and Woden)". Hire not usually approved We do not usually let the hall out for 18th and 21st birthdays. Hire involving sale of alcohol will only be approved under special circumstances. Make sure you choose "Other" as your event type in the form below, and cover your plan in the "" field. Hall hire agreement form Hall Hire Booking Request form Use this form to send a request to book the LGSS Hall. When you click the Submit button, you will receive an email copy of your request. We usually respond to requests within 3 days. Before submitting your request, please check the hall availability here . Hire date* Booking start time* Time : AM The Hall must be free 15 minutes BEFORE your booking time. Booking end time* Time : AM The time you must exit the hall by. The Hall must be free for 15 minutes AFTER your booking end time. First name* Last name* Email* Phone* What's your occasion?* Occasion description* Submit

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