Use the Contact form to get in touch with the Rovers.

Rovers - 18 to 25 years old
For more information about Rovers or your nearest Rover Crew in the ACT contact - Scouts ACT Development Officer 02 6282 5211
No other leisure time activity offers as much!
Challenging outdoor activities such as bushwalking, canoeing, sailing, caving, ski-touring, canyoning, four-wheel driving, rock-climbing and scuba diving all form an important part of a Rover's calendar.
Social activities such as BBQ's, bush dances, going to the movies, nights out, car rallies and "Moots" (gatherings of Rovers on a local, national and sometimes international level) also feature on an active Rover's program.
A group of Rovers is known as a "Crew" and each Rover Crew is different, tailoring its activities to the requirements of its members. Crews vary in size from a handful of members to as many as fifty. Most crews meet weekly. The friends you make within this group will be lifelong!
A Crew's activities are planned and run by the Rovers themselves, and there is plenty of opportunity to develop personal abilities and learn new skills. A Rover may become involved in organising a simple weekend away for just a few people, a major event involving thousands of participants, or anything in between!Anyone can become a Rover - there's no need to have any previous involvement with Scouting, or any outdoor activities experience.
Take the plunge - try Rovers!