Lombok 2014 Project - Successfully Completed
This project was started in 2008 by a team of venturers much like us that wanted to get out in the world to help out a less fortunate country than us. The project is run every two years so this was the fourth year and the best one yet. The project is designed to help participants get a feel for what it’s like to live in Lombok and learn more about their culture.
In September this year, a team of nine venturers and four leaders traveled to Lombok for two weeks to complete a voluntary service project. Our main focus was to continue with an ongoing project to assist in re-building the local coral reef. The Coral Project has been ongoing since 2008. Some other projects we are taking part in are the orphan project and the turtle release project.
Closing words from the Youth Leader and Adult Leader
Trent: Wow what a trip.
As soon as we arrived at the village the fun started with a street parade just for us and then dances and musical pieces and not to mention the 500 photos everyone wanted to get with us.
The following day we head of to the Senggigi markets and on the way we stopped at a Monkey Mountain were there were hundreds of wild monkeys that we fed out of our hands then spend a little bit of times at the markets before heading back to the village.
On day 3 of being in the village we just had a chilled day were we played heaps of games and got to know everyone in the village then we headed off to play badminton with the local scouts.
The following day we split into two groups one would spend a relaxing two days on the Gili Islands and the others spent those days hiking up the 2nd highest mountain in Indonesia called Mount Rinjani this was a very hard task but was worth the view when we got to the top. The way down was much easier for most of us except the one person that injured themself and it was harder to get down for them then up.
On days 6 and 7 of being in the village we helped rebuild a fallen down wall at the local community centre we learnt how to lay bricks, make cement and render the walls. At the end of the 2nd day they let us right our names in the drying cement.
The next day the whole village had a huge clean up day so we helped them half the group went to one position and cleaned up an area where they put the rubbish in bags and sent them on their way. The other group burnt all the rubbish they picked up. That afternoon we build the concrete mushrooms we needed for the coral the next day.
On day 9 we started on the coral early morning we began by exploring the reef as it already was and found out what the previous trips had done. After that we put pieces of coral in the mushrooms we made then got in the fishing boats to take them out in the reef most of us struggled to get mushrooms into the metal frames because they were so far down but we eventually got all the coral down (with help of the locals).
The following day we participated in praying in the mosque because it was the end of an important Muslim holiday this went for about 2 hours and a an experience like no other. We then went and had a very important meeting with the local government. Then we visited an old Buddhist temple where we took part in a mediation session this was very relaxing.
On Monday we spent the whole day in Gili when we first got there we released the 16 turtles we had sponsored into the ocean then we spent the rest of the day shopping, snorkelling, eating, getting massages and anything else we wanted to do.
The next day we visited 5 different schools before it was even 12:00 we taught them all different things like danced songs and just talked about our life in Australia. In the afternoon we were all smashed so we had just played with the children and played volleyball with the scouts.
On the second last day in the village we spent the day at the waterfall were we hiked to two different waterfalls and went swimming in both when we came back our farewell party commenced there was party games and dancing then a ceremony where we handed out all our gifted to help out the village in some way. After the ceremony it was a very sad time: everyone cried and there were lots of hugs a few of us stayed up late in the night singing with the older kids and giving our final goodbyes.
The next day we packed up our tents and waited around for an hour talking to the last of the people that were not at school that day we spent the day shopping in Senggigi then flew to Bali.
The next two days in Bali we went white water rafting and had a spa day before flying back to Australia we were all happy to see our families on Sunday but were all already missing the village and all wanted to go back.
I would really like to thank all the leaders that helped make this happen you all had different roles and were all the ones we turned to with any issue. I would also like to thank the village for letting us stay there and being to friendly during our stay we will miss you all and hope to see you in two years.

I'The Villagem another title
Jambianom is a small village on the north-west coast of Lombok island. Some of you may ba familiar with the Gilli Islands. Famous for great diving, these islands are just off the coast from our village.
We are very excited about this trip because it gives young people (15 - 16 years old) opportunities to develop new friendships, new skills in leadership and teamwork, as well as the chance to explore the culture of a country that is so very different to our own.

WWhere?I'm a title
The island of Lombok is one of thousands of islands that make up the Republic of Indonesia.
It is close to Bali and the Lombok team will enter Lombok through Bali.
Mataram is the capital city.

Brett: The 2014 Lombok project has been a tremendous success and a great honour to be part of. The two and a half years of fund raising, team building and planning have all paid off. This project has changed lives, and will continue to change lives, in the village of Jambianom as well as among our courageous ventures.
Leading from day one, our 14 to 17 year olds meet every challenge and have done their parents, scouting Australia and themselves proud.
This year we continued our positive contribution to the community of Jambianom through several significant service initiatives including:
Refurbishing the Community centre – providing the resources to create a covered extension to the exiting Community center, rebuilding the wall between the center and the road and providing space for a new car park.
Bringing greater access to mains fresh water into the village – through providing the resources for the laying of water piping from the mains into the village.
Repairing and refurbishing the village meeting area on the beach including providing resources to build toilets and to repair the original roofing.
Supporting the local mosque youth group through the purchase of sporting equipment and a generator to provide back up power.
Supporting access to ongoing education in to village children – through the establishment of a village administered education fund with enough initial funding to educate up to 6 village students at a high school level for the next 2 years. Our venturers also continued their support for the local environment in Jambianom through:
Continuing our support for the coral reef regeneration project – including the establishment of a considerable new batch of coral “seedlings” and the provision of resources for their ongoing maintenance over the next two years.
The turtle release project – releasing 20 young turtles
Contributing to village clean ups. This year's project also saw much greater involvement with the local scouts through almost daily exercise and language sessions, several sporting matches (volley ball and badminton) and the joint hike to the rim of Rinjani and to the Senaru waterfalls.
The ventures also provided several new tents to the local scouts as well as the establishment of seed funding to support the visit of two local scouts and a leader from North Lombok to the ACT in 2015.
We were honoured be invited to visit the Regent of north Lombok in his home and continued our cultural appreciation through mosque visits and our involvement in the Idul Adha services and ceremony’s.
With all of these positive contributions from our scouts, I know that the most fundamental influences have been the personal connections made between our Venturers and the fantastic people of Jambianom and North Lombok. We all feel that we have been accepted into the village community and now have a second family in Jambianom that we all look forward to visiting again in 2016.