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It's our 50th Anniversary!

2025 marks the 50th anniversary of the Lake Ginninderra Sea Scout Group.

In preparation for our 50th anniversary celebrations on 25 October 2025, we are actively researching the history of Lake Ginninderra Sea Scouts.

The plan is to put the information we find on this page as we find it, so that everyone can see what we have so far.

Head over to our History of Scouts in Canberra page to see a brief history Scouts in Canberra and some of the history of Scouts generally.

50th anniversary logo image from

Photos from our past

The photos below are from the photo albums in our office. Hover your mouse over an image to see some of the information we have on it. Feel free to give pictures you like a heart. If you have any information on any of the pictures, or your own historic pictures please post a comment on our Public Facebook page or send an email to the webmaster.

Note: The webmaster is still working on this display. I'll stick a number on each photo for easy reference in a tick.

Lake Ginninderra Sea Scouts history research so far...

  1. Canberra Times article dated 14 Oct 1976 on Trove mentions 4 Cubs joining 1st LGSS Group "formed four weeks ago". Which would set the formation date around ?? Sep 1976 if that is what it meant.

  2. Canberra Times article dated 8 Mar 1977 on Trove mentions the 1st LGSS Cub pack presenting the queen with a bouquet and a group neckerchief (scarf).

  3. So LGSS was originally called "1st Lake Ginninderra Sea Scouts"​

  4. Shane Hosie ("Jacala") was a Cub and then a Scout in the group that merged with Lake Ginninderra Sea Scouts in the 1990s. Some of his recollections are:

    1. He was in the Kuringa Scouts Group before that Group merged with 1st LGSS

    2. His former scout leader Mark Stockall ("Stocky") was a member with LGSS back in the day before the merge​.

    3. LGSS had a red and green scarf. Kuringa had a dark blue and light blue scarf. So when they merged the red and green became the trim and the blue became the main part of the scarf. And the rovers kept the original scarf and added the blue trim

    4. The Orion Scout Unit used to meet at Spence School on a Wednesday night and the Baringa Cub Unit met on a Friday at St. Monica's Primary School in Evatt.

  5. There are several plaques on the walls in our hall. They have these words on them:

    1. Lake Ginninderra Sea Scouts, Established 1975, Acknowledging 40 years of scouting at Lake Ginninderra Belconnen, 25 October 2015, Be Prepared.

    2. Presented to Ian Neale, Colin Aveyard, Tony Fitzpatrick and Neville McMartin in recognition of their work building this hall.

    3. "This Hall was officially opened by the Chief Commissioner Pat Boling on 8th June 1998".​ Was this the original hall?

    4. To Garry & Pauline Lymbery. In appreciation of all your dedicated time and assistance in the managing fund raising and boat assistance of L.G.S.S. From the Group of Lake Ginninderra Sea Scouts, 2005.

    5. Dedicated Service Award, Timothy Kirsopp, Ikki, In recognition of your dedicated service as a leader. 26 July 1999 - 3 July 2015

    6. Long Service Award, Phil Murphy, Mowgli, In recognition of the exceptional Service and Commitment you have given to Scouting and LGSS over the past 15 years. Thank you. June 2014

    7. Dolphin Cove. Dolphin was the scouting name for Kay Briscoe who served the Lake Ginninderra Sea Scout Group as Group Leader from 2012 to 2015. Dolphin was a long term member of LGSS serving as a youth member before returning as the Group Leader. This place is named in honour of the many years Dolphin dedicated to scouting. Kay Briscoe (Dolphin) 12 December 1957 - 22 December 2016.

  6. Andrew​ Newbery noted in the LGSS private Facebook page on 8 Nov 2022 that he accidentally met Ian Neale (one of the people who helped build the current hall) at the hall while Ian was in Canberra on holidays. Ian and his wife shared some wonderful memories with Andrew who showed them around inside. Of interest at the time were these comments from Ian:

    1. the hall was built in 1998

    2. the colour of the hall is “ship grey” and the hall design replicates the focsle of a war ship when viewed from the lake.

Lake Ginninderra Members Only Facebook Page

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