This Page has resources for Leaders and Committee Members
This page is designed to provide easier access to some common resources for leaders, committee members and others involved in running LGSS. If you have documents, templates etc that you believe should be here, let the COmmittee know and provide a saqmple.
ACT Scouts Extranet
ACT Branch runs its member system on Extranet - hosted by Scouts Victoria.
Access is restricted and requires a login ID. This entry is designed to allow easy access to this site.
Xero - Our Financial Management System
Most ACT Scout Groups use a cloud-based accounting system called Xero. This originates from NZ but has a global user base. While not at all perfect, it nevertheless does the maths, is always available and doesn't rely on a thousand treasurers having files at home etc.
It also provides selected leaders, Venturer Treasurers and ACT Branch with instant access to our accounts (look, read, reconcile, enter but not withdraw or transfer money.) This promotes transparent financial management.
Access is restricted to those who need to operate the accounts, it is monitored automatically and access levels vary dependy on roles.
Scouts Australia Rules
Scouts Australia provides overarching rules that apply to all of our operataions. It is ssued by the order of the National Council of The Scout Association of Australia by virtue of the powers vested in it by the Royal Charter.
Vision and Mission Statement
Explination of Abbreviations
Policy (listed by chapter below)
P1 The Scout Association of Australi
P2 Aim and Principle
P3 Membership of the Scout Association of Australi
P4 Principal Accountabilitie
P5 Personnel Managemen
P6 Management of the Rover Scout Sectio
P7 Duty of Car
P8 Finance, Property, Insurance and Legal Protectio
P9 Community and External Relation
A1 The Australian Scout Environment Charter
A2 Organisation Chart
A3 Salute Illustraltions
A4 Uniform Illustrations
Rules (Listed by chapter below)
R1 National Organisatio
R2 The Branc
R3 Support for Group
R4 The Scout Grou
R5 Joey Scout Sectio
R6 Cub Scout Sectio
R7 Scout Sectio
R8 Venturer Scout Sectio
R9 Rover Scout Sectio
R10 Scout Fellowshi
R11 Adult Training and Developmen
R12 Safe Practic
R13 Decorations and Award
R14 Uniform, Badges and Insigni
R15 General Rule