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JOEY SCOUTS - Boys and Girls between 5 to 7 years


Meet Friday nights during school terms from 5.30pm - 6.45pm (17:30 - 18:45)


Watch for news of the second LGSS Joey Mob. It is likely to meet on Tuesdays.


FUN starts here!

Joey Scouts are the youngest section of the Scouting movement where the emphasis is on fun and friendship in a non competitive environment.

A group of Joey Scouts is called a Mob which is made up of no more than 20 children, led by trained adult leaders.

At this age children need experiences which help them learn to work and play in groups outside of home and school environments, to develop their physical, intellectual, social and spiritual abilities through active experiences.

Joey Scouts are encouraged to express themselves creatively, through games, stories and craft activities. Building monsters and spaceships from recycled scrap items, growing plants from seedlings or singing songs together all develop a strong sense of belonging.

The Joey Scout theme is "Help Other People" (HOP) and sets the direction upon which activities are based and give concrete expressions of sharing with their friends, helping and caring about others.

Joeys wear a special scarf and shirt so everyone knows they are Joey Scouts.

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