The Group Support Committee
The Group Support Committee (GSC) handles much of the administration of the Group and is typically made of up of parents, family members and friends of youth in the Scout Group.
The LGSS GSC meets monthly to coordinate the administration of the group.
Committee Roles
The functions of the GSC are many and varied and suit a range of interests. The complete list of the GSC functions are in the Scouts Australia Policy and Rules extract. The LGSS GSC has designated the following roles:
Vice President
Assistant Treasurer
Membership Secretary
Hall Manager
Publicity Officer
Webmaster (Andrew Newbery)
The Group Leader is also a member of the GSC. There are also general GSC member positions for others who undertake various tasks as needed to assist the Group and GSC. It is highly desirable that GSC members are representative of all sections (Joeys, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers).
Scouts Australia and the ACT Branch are incorporated bodies. The governance framework is published as a set of rules, policies and guidelines. The rules are the regulatory framework for scouting.
Branches may have additional or clarifying rules, policies and guidelines that are consistent with the Scouts Australia Rules. Compliance with the rules is mandatory for all leaders, Branch officials, Group Support Committee members and youth members.
All Group Support Committee members should be familiar with the latest Scouts Australia Policy and Rules to ensure that they understand those applicable to the operations of the Scout Group and those applying to their responsibilities.
Scouts Australia Policy and Rules extracts
Here are the relevant extracts from the current Scouts Australia Policy and Rules publication:
RULE 4: The Scout Group
4.3.3. The management, leadership and support of the Group is carried out by a Group Leader, Group Council and Group Support Committee, whose roles are defined.
4.6.1. The Group Council consisting of all the leaders of the Group shall meet regularly to discuss and co-ordinate matters affecting members of the Group, including membership, planning, programming, training and joint events.
4.6.2. The Group Council formulates requests to the Group Support Committee through the Group Leader in respect of finance, equipment, accommodation, leadership and other matters where assistance is required.
4.6.3. Group Council meetings are normally chaired by the Group Leader.
4.7.1. Each Group shall have a Group Support Committee established and operating in accordance with Branch procedures to provide such support and resources as the Group may require.
4.7.2. The Group Support Committee is not responsible for the training of uniformed members, which is the responsibility of the Group Leader.
4.7.3. The Group Leader shall be a member of the Group Support Committee.
4.7.4. A Group which consists only of a Rover Scout Unit is not required to form a Group Support Committee.
4.7.5. The functions of the Group Support Committee are to:
a. Ensure that the Group has adequate funding to enable it to provide high quality programs to the members at an acceptable cost.
b. Ensure that proper records are kept and that all funds are accounted for in accordance with Branch procedures and statutory requirements.
c. Arrange and provide suitable accommodation to enable the Group to carry out its training program.
d. Provide and maintain equipment required by the Sections of the Group in liaison with the Group Council.
e. Assist the Group Leader to recruit, retain and support leaders for all Sections of the Group.
f. Recommend the appointment of a Group Leader, in accordance with Branch procedures, to be the senior leader of the Group, and carry out the functions prescribed in Rule R4.4.
g. Ensure that all persons in direct contact with the youth members of the Group are of exemplary character and are fit and proper persons to carry out their role of leading young people.
h. Assist the Group Leader with the implementation of the Group plan and receive reports on progress.
i. Assist members of the Group to secure and maintain employment.
j. Establish and maintain good relationships with other community organisations and community leaders generally.
k. Convene an annual meeting at which the audited financial accounts of the Group and the annual reports of the Group Leader and the Group Support Committee are presented. Also, for the Group Leader to advise of the appointment of office bearers for the next period.​
The functions of the Group Support Committee are​:
4.8.1. Group property, including real estate must be vested in the name of the Branch of Scouts Australia in accordance with Branch rules.
4.8.2. Subscriptions, paid by Section members for meeting the specific needs of the Section, will be held in the Group bank account with appropriate delineation and made available as required by the Group Support Committee in consultation with the Group Council.
4.8.3. Money received on behalf of a Rover Scout Unit or a Venturer Scout Unit may be held in a Section bank account and administered by the Unit concerned.
4.8.4. The accounts of Section funds, regardless of separate banking arrangements, will be consolidated in the annual audited financial accounts of the Group.
Training for Group Support Committee members
There are three important modules that are mandatory training for GSC members:
Adult Code of Conduct
Child Safe Scouting
WHS for Scouting
These modules can be found on the Group Support Committee page of the Scouts Australia Adult Training and Development website.
In addition to the mandatory modules, the following training modules (found on the same website) are also useful learning for various GSC members:
Effective Group Support Committees
How to be a Scout Group Chairman
How to be a Scout Group Secretary
How to be a Scout Group Treasurer
Effective Group Management
Relationship Skills
and Managing Conflict